Find exceptional operators to helpgrow your business
Scale your portfolio company while saving time and money.
How it Works
3 simple steps to finding amazing operators.
We are always adding new talented operators to our platform by being proactive in sourcing. Our focus is to ensure that there is a steady stream individuals who can help any of your PortCo's grow.
You get access to the platform where you can start to review the operators that are on the platform. Conduct research, send direct messages and arrange meetings to discuss roles and experience.
After your meetings and discussions you can go ahead and make the hire. With our annual membership you can hire as many people as you need, no finder's fees or % of salary to pay.
The best of the best
We seek out incredibly talented operators who can help scale PE or VC portfolio companies.
Find the perfect operator for your venture, all on one platform.
Pay to access the platform, not per hire like traditional agencies charge.
Find the right operator in hours instead of weeks or months.
Hire for as many roles as you need with annual access to the platform.
Scale portfolio companies quickly ensuring no time is wasted with the right hire.
Find the talent needed to get your business growing.
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